Friday, 20 October 2017


Passion "The True Meaning of Lief"

                                                       Live with passion !

                                                       _Tony Robbin

Passion rebuilds the world or theyouth. it takes all things alive and singniicant..

PASSION is a trem applied to a very storng eeling about anythink. Passion is an intense emotion, compelling  felling , enthusiasm or desire or somethimg. there are defferent ression individuals are motivated or an occupation. one of them is passion for all occupation.

when an individual is passionate about his job, and it result in greater work and extra work satisfaction. it also lends him higer levels of psychological well being . when a person genuinely enjoys their profession and are motivated by there passion they tend to be more satisfiend with their work and paschologically healthy.

when an individual is unsatisfied with his profession he is also dissatisfied with his family relationships and suffers rom psychological distress.

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Round2hell fumney video